I have an eating disorder. Can I still join Slimming World?
Last Updated: Jun 03, 2016 06:27PM BST
We feel that joining a Slimming World group or our Online only service may not be the best solution for your weight management at present.
Although we would love to be able to help, eating disorders are not our area of expertise. We believe that for your long term health and safety you would be best supported by trained professionals in this field. We would encourage you to speak to your doctor or practice nurse regarding your weight concerns. They should be able to give appropriate guidance and possibly a referral to a specialist in this area
On reflection, I completely understand and agree with the Slimming World stance to this. The army of SW consultants are fabulous, but they're not trained experts in tackling eating disorders. These are best tackled with and by professional medical and mental health practitioners.
For example, their are areas of the SW plan that are almost counter to the things that you should be doing when you're combating bingeing or compulsive overeating problems. As I said in my last post, I binged last week on grapes and crabsticks.
However, a binge on healthy food is better than a binge on other stuff. Following the SW plan does not stop me from tackling my eating disorder. I am living evidence that Slimming World will only help you lose weight as part of an overall plan of attack. The Binge Eating Disorder is over-riding the SW plan at the moment, but I'd rather stick with the healthy eating habits I've developed since joining than go it alone.
I am recounting this to you because when I first read what SW said, I was a little upset, like they were saying "you're going to be too difficult a case, we'd rather not have you", but that's not what they're saying at all. They are giving the very best advice, go and seek professional help. It would be easy for a company to say nothing and just take people's money but they aren't doing that. Good on you SW.
I had a text discussion with a target member at my group on Saturday and told her what was going through my head. She also said that I should keep going, that everyone knows how hard it is to lose weight and break habits and that nobody judges anyone. And she's right, it often turns into something akin to a group therapy session!
So, I've come to the conclusion that quitting Slimming World would do me personally more harm than good.
I'll tackle the disorder, and follow the SW plan as much as I can. At least that will keep me healthy between binges.
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Thanks for reading.
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